Alexander Morris Art

Contemporary abstraction

Discover contemporary abstract art with this unique look

Transform your space with eye-catching contemporary abstract art. Set in a wood frame for a natural element, this painting boasts an aged look contrasted with a modern, minimalistic mark wrapping around the painting. This unique contemporary artwork will infuse your space with unparalleled style.

Transport to the Seaside with this Contemporary Beach Painting

Immerse yourself in the serene depths of the sea with this captivating modern abstract artwork. The swirling blue and green mimic the lively movement of the ocean and the hint of sandy beach transports you to the seaside; thus, offering an extraordinary way to encounter nature in the everyday.

Explore Contemporary Abstract Art

Delve into my studio, influences, and the modern and contemporary abstract art world by joining me In the Studio.

Nautical Decor and Contemporary Elegance: My Abstracted Shipwreck Paintings

Experience maritime majesty with my modern abstract painting depicting a shipwreck at sea. Combining bold strokes with subtle color placement, this piece adds sophistication to nautical decor, offering a captivating focal point for any space.